Peran service quality memediasi pengaruh customer value dan brand experience terhadap repurchase intention di kantor pusat PT. NJM Bali
customer value, brand experience, repurchase intention, service qualityAbstract
Sensitivity to the effects of customer value and brand experience by customers in increasing repurchase intention by maximizing the effectiveness of service quality needs to be considered so that it is consistent in implementation. The thesis entitled "The Role of Service Quality Mediating Customer value and Brand experience on Repurchase Intention at Head Office of PTNJM Bali” is explanatory research with a quantitative approach. Researchers also want to know how much the independent variables contribute to the dependent variable which is also through the mediating variable. The data collection method used in this research was distributing questionnaires, observations and interviews with 100 respondents whose data was analysed using SPSS Version 29 and Smart PLS Version 3. Sampling used a nonprobability sampling method with purposive sampling technique. The results of the research can be concluded: (1) there is no positive and significant influence between Customer value on Repurchase Intention. (2) there is a positive and significant influence between Brand experience on Repurchase Intention. (3) there is a positive and significant influence between Service Quality on Repurchase Intention. (4) there is no positive and significant influence between Customer value on Repurchase Intention which is mediated by Service Quality. (5) there is no positive and significant influence between Brand experience on Repurchase Intention which is mediated by Service Quality.
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